I am having issues logging into my FitBit account using Facebook login on “https://www.fitbit.com/login” in cordova InAppBrowser both on Android and iOS.
I am opening the url “https://www.fitbit.com/login” inside InAppBrowser like this:
ref = cordova.InAppBrowser.open(“https://www.fitbit.com/login”, ‘_self’, ‘location=yes’);
and when I click on ‘Login with Facebook’ on the login page of Fitbit, I am redirected to ‘Facebook’ Login page. I enter my credentials there and login. Then I get stuck on a white page there without any redirect back to Fitbit website.
The same is working perfectly in chrome or any other browser but not in InAppBrowser.
Ionic Ver: 1.7.15
Cordova Ver: 6.2.0
InAppBrowser Ver: 1.4.1-dev
Can someone guide me to the right direction with this issue?