Is there any plugin that make application work in background mode?

al slam alykoum
i use this plugin to run the bakcgound mode in my ionic 2 application
i used this plugin to display some local notification while the app in background mode

but my app has been rejected because of this plugin use the audio permission.
so my question is there is any plugin that make application work in background without have audio permission ?


@Judgewest2000 That’s the same plugin as he described

Aha lol sorry. Reading on my phone walking the dog

Read this for this plugin:

The same applies to all other plugins - it just isn’t supported to run an app all the time. For good reasons.

thank you for your replying

Hi @Sujan12

when app is in background for too long(6+hrs), app will get suspended/killed (as per my knowledge if wrong pls correct me), at this stage if a fcm notification is fired(device receives notification but user will not interact with device) will the app resume and starts its background task?

pls clarify this.