Is there a way to access the ion-title value in your component?

Is there a way to get the value of the ion-title that was set in your template in your component?

Or better yet, is there a way to get the ion-title value when listening to the route changes within the app?

I may be wrong, but i dont think so.
If your purpose is keeping track of the view you are in, i suggest to use a variable inside a service, for example whereAmI: string, and once you enter a view you can set it like this:

ionViewWillEnter {
this.yourService.whereAmI = ‘the-view-u-r-in’;

What you wanna do with it?
You can use ViewChild. Or if you need to know where you are in your app you could set the ‘data’ in the routing.module files.

Please, be a little more specific.