Is there a better example of $cordovaPush NgCordova Plugin?

Is there a better example of $cordovaPush NgCordova Plugin?
I read the ngCordova doc, but it’s not enough.
thank you.

I’d love to see another example as well. The ngCordova doc isn’t comprehensive.

Setting up $cordovaPush is quite a lot of work. Have you followed the links provided at the bottom of the ngCordova doc? It took me to the android developer pages for setting up a server and API key.

I’m able to work with pushplugin and Azure. The only problem is that pushplugin don’t understand not standard template.

check this

I follow that time ago, but the message is a standard Google template. If you try to use a personal template as possibile in Azure and so, the pushplugin don’t intercept the message.