I’ve to implement an application with a simple layout, a sort of Control Panel that contains only big buttons where each of them calls a web service on a remote server that executes some actions.
I think that I wll implement, on the server, the web services and the program logic using Laravel/MySql.
What about the Control Panel?
I would like this application to be accessible from tablets and touch screens.
it would be nice if on the tablets it worked like a mobile App.
Is Ionic the right solution according to you?
Besides since he connection between the client and the server is not stable.
Could the “service workers” help to avoiding the loss of data?
Thank you
After some months I can answer to this question by myself.
I’ve done an App in Ionic4 (app for Android and Ios) with the back-end (PWA) in Ionic4.
The good thing is that I can share the code between the two applications.
The bad thing is that, if you have to do a back-end that must have many forms to fill, then perhaps Ionic is not the best solution.
This is just my opinion.
The reason is that there are many frameworks that, given a table of a database, create for you all the forms to view, search, edit and add the items, with validations and a REST api too.
With Ionic you can do this forms using Form Builder without problems, but it is a slower process.
I don’t know if there’s a quicker way to do this with Ionic at the moment.
So, if I started the project from scratch now, I would do the front-end with Ionic and the back-end with another framework.