iOS App rejected because of capacitor/camera.getPhoto custom purpose string

My app gets photo and present them on device in iOS, and I use “Camera.getPhoto” to let users pick them.

I do not find options that can let me specify a custom message in the red circle area? I quickly checked other apps like google lens and they have a specified a message like “This allows you to use Google Lens, take a profile picture, or create content”
Is there anyway we can do it with Camera.getPhoto?
This is the rejection screenshot from Apple App Review:, (I blanked my app name and added the red circle on it. I think it is what they are talking about)

For this app, I have had 2 versions approved before and this third version only had some misc update and this part is not touched at all.

Apple’s Review response:

It is rejected by apple citing " Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage"
Issue Description

One or more purpose strings in the app do not sufficiently explain the use of protected resources. Purpose strings must clearly and completely describe the app’s use of data and, in most cases, provide an example of how the data will be used.

Next Steps

Update the photo library purpose string to explain how the app will use the requested information and provide an example of how the data will be used. See the attached screenshot.


Purpose strings must clearly describe how an app uses the ability, data, or resource. The following are hypothetical examples of unclear purpose strings that would not pass review:

  • “App would like to access your Contacts”

  • “App needs microphone access”

Update/add the values for NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription and NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription in the info.plist file.

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