[iOS] Space in ionic app name not showing on home screen


I’m having this weird problem on ios where the app name should be two words, the two words are there but linked, no space.

When I got to iPhone settings, I see the name two words with space, so it’s normal, no problem there, but in the home screen space is gone.

Anyone face such problem? How to fix?

Hi @alaswer!

The name of the app is determined on the config.xml file.
You can check the tags:

<name>Like Name</name>

Hi @TomCosta

I’m using capacitor… so inside capacitor.config.json I have the following set:

"appName": "Like Name",

@TomCosta So, I meant to say, the problem still persists even with the above settings… Any more thoughts to share?

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I followed the second link (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46337691/bundle-display-name-missing-space-characters) and it worked!

Thank you @IonicGeoff :+1: