ionView hook doens't fire provider function in root page

Maybe you have a good reason for it, but why are subscribing inside the Injectable? Wouldn’t it be much better to subscribe in the actual page where you want to retrieve the data instead of doing this: this.users = this.conexaoServico.getRemoteUsers('Pegando os usuários');

    this.users = this.conexaoServico.getRemoteUsers('Pegando os usuários');

You’re trying to log this.users, but since it’s async you never know at that moment that this.users actually contains a value. What you should do instead, is take a look at how subscribers are meant to work. Something like this inside your service:

getRemoteUsers(tipo) {
  	 	return this.http.get('').map(
  		(res: Response) => {
  			return res.json();  			

Now inside your page, subscribe to it like this:

buscarUsuarios() {
    this.conexaoServico.getRemoteUsers('Pegando os usuários').subscribe(
    	(users) => { console.log(users); this.users = users; }, 
    	(err) => { console.error(err) },
    	() => { console.log('done getting remote users') }

Now in your ionViewWillEnter call buscarUsuarios() :

ionViewWillEnter() {
    console.log('ionViewDidLoad xxx Teste');