Ionicview app crash on ios only

Hi Guys,
uploaded my app on ionic and opened it on ios and android platform.

On android it works, on ios it crashes.

The code that generate crash is the follow:

<div class="card9-container" *ngFor="let product of products">
        <div class="pic-box" (click)="toProduct(product)">
          <img [src]="product.images[0].src">

Product list loaded by rest api and product.images is always present and it contains always one element.

If I replace dinamic image with static image, It works successfully

<img src="assets/img/placeholder.png">

When app crashes cant found the cause.

Advices for me?


I might suggest whatever process you have loading that object, it’s not finding the images array.

Try having a separate area of your page with something like:


That will at least allow you to see what ios interprets the object to look like.

What does “crash” mean here exactly?

The black screen shows and the ionic app closed

I print several information of products like title, description and all works. The json object is OK

Probably would need to see the code to help further. If you want to share then I’m happy to have a look.

GitHub name judgewest2000

@lsantaniello, did you ever find the cause and/or solution for this problem? I’m having the similar one.

I have a list of cards and each card loads an image and has some other elements. This is the code:

<ion-list  no-lines>
  <ion-card *ngFor="let item of items" (click)="onCardClick($event, item)">
         <div item-left>
           <img class="my_img" src="{{item.img}}"/>
             <ion-item text-wrap text-center class="name">{{}}</ion-item>
             <ion-item text-wrap text-center>{{item.description}}</ion-item>


This works fine on Android, but crashes on iOS with the following error:

Message from debugger: Terminated due to memory issue