Ionic2 can't hide or show content in another tab from other than the current one?

Thanks and sorry for giving you too much trouble. Since four days or so, I am now using my GlobalService.ts to pass my CurrentMedia. I did not factor it out as you did above as my GlobalService still holds only few items at this time.

So yeah, few days ago, I understood (or think so) how the framework wants things to happen.
My app is working regarding the switching of players upon Media user selections or scheduler changes. I was more interested in fully understanding what I was dealing here with (computer science curiosity). The calls from pages to page was just a way to debug and trying to understand what is taking place.

Here is the what the lessons I take from my plunker exercise on this issue:

  1. If a page’s template is based on a property changes affected by only the page, then it’s OK for this property to reside in the page itself.

  2. However, if the property needs to be changed by other “agents” outside the page, then it HAS to be put in a service and injected.

  3. Don’t inject a page into another page to get access to it :slight_smile:

Regarding not wanting to use NavController.push() at least in beta11

  1. it created too much nav history from a user session selecting tabs, causing painful exit from the app.
  2. also popping the players (shared tab or separate pages for that matter) would kill/destroy my player object.

That’s why, way back, I posted the following which remained unanswered and I had to find an alternative to keep moving with my port.

The alternative was to (A) share a tab for all players to keep them alive, and (2) use to avoid navigation history. I hope this clarifies why I stayed away from pushing pages or tabs.

I value all your responses and the tremendous help you provide on this forum.
Thank you.