Ionic - angular2 redux implementation example with ngrx

A basic application for Ionic 2.0 with AngularFire2 with ngrx/store & ngrx/effects to manage state


Thanks very much for posting this. I’m dealing with similar issues, and I enjoyed seeing your approach.

I would love to see this example updated to Angular version 4 and ngrx platform 4 also. Any plans for that?

let me take a look… I have a bunch of repos and I periodically loop through them for updates. This one looks past due

Thanks man, your code looks great btw. I need mine to be as clean! :slight_smile:

here is the first commit of the updated version, let me know if there are any real issues, i will be doing more testing over the next few days


You rock man, appreciate it tons. And that was fast!

That time of year for updating my examples…

ionic v4, latest version of firebase and ngrx

I am about 90% done with this update, please post questions, concerns as issues in the repo… Enjoy