Ionic, v1.0.0-beta.14 does not support ui-calendar

I was trying to use ui-calendar in my Ionic App . However I was getting this error ,

TypeError: undefined is not a function
at (calendar.js:226)
at Object.fn (calendar.js:262)
at Scope.$get.Scope.$digest (ionic.bundle.js:22020)
at Scope.$get.Scope.$apply (ionic.bundle.js:22282)
at done (ionic.bundle.js:17439)
at completeRequest (ionic.bundle.js:17629)
at XMLHttpRequest.requestLoaded (ionic.bundle.js:17570)
Using a previous version however runs it as seen in the following plunkr .

How do I solve this . Please help .


I am struggling with the same at the moment. Keep me updated.


@32teeths I have just edited your plunker and I got the plunker working with some other versions of the libraries used, see next:

It looks like that with bower install the version 1.6.7 is installed of fullcalendar package. But when you use 1.6.1 with ionic beta 14 it seems to work.

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Although I got the plunker working I can’t get Ionic to work with the same library versions on the plunker. Is your Ionic project working now?

Yeah . I tried what you did and it worked . Thank You … :slight_smile: