IONIC Unit testing ready?

I did this :

let service = fixture.debugElement.injector.get(Service);

but I get the original service not the mock :confounded:

O my god, this is really a pain.

Creating stubs and mocks on any part of code result just too much confuse. I got 2 days to get a test to work just cuz the hardcore that this is on ionic. :frowning:

Could you please share your the mocks that works for this test, i’m having the same problem to test a modal launching :slight_smile:
Thank you

Hey there,

I’m just using what @rapropos posted.

@lisatassone Check out this repo:

Been using it for the past 6 months. Very helpful starter project to use with a good community on testing.

Hi lisatassone,

I am also new to testing.working on Ionic 3 + Angular 4. Could you please help.
The scenario which needs to be tested is exactly same as you mentioned here but am getting error when I use “.component” in locadingCtrl.component statement. Do we need to set component as soemthing ?