Ionic tabs not displaing the tabs bar when declared in another module

Hi All i am using IONIC 3.19 my folder structure is alike so

src >> customer >> pages, components, pipes, providers, directives

and in pages i have a file called pages.ts that exports a few pages to the main module, like so :-

import { NgModule } from ‘@angular/core’;
import { CustomerProfilePageModule } from ‘./customer-profile/customer-profile.module’;
import { CustomerOverviewPageModule } from ‘./customer-overview/customer-overview.module’;
import { CustomerFeedbackPageModule } from ‘./customer-feedback/customer-feedback.module’;
import { CustomerViewPageModule } from ‘./customer-view/customer-view.module’;

imports: [
exports: [
export class CustomerPagesModule { }

in the above the CustomerViewPageModule contains all the other three modules, in the imports as well as the entry components, but when i try accessing these three pages in my CustomerViewPage which contains the tabs which navigates to the other three pages, for the first time i click each tab the tab bar is invisible, which means that i have to assume that it exists and click randomly, could you tell me weather there is any way to fix this.

See: Custom components missing ionic directives