Ionic - Side menu navigation - Prevent controller reload

i have the same problem. at the moment i just have 2 pages, one with a calendar and an about page. If i change to about and back to the calender its loaded completly new and it loosing all the settings(for example which month i’m looking at). My workaround is to save all data on device and load it again, but caching the page would be better solution.

hi! is there any news guys

I also experienced an issue with menu navigation regarding demanding html template generation.

The only workaround I found is to stick with root scheme(reload the page) and switch the heavy work to the controller letting the menu close smoothly.

In your case I would either use a service or a state management library like ngRx in order to save your current logic states, then your calendar app will display previous information saved in your new “calendarService” for instance.