Ionic shows white screen after splash screen on android device

You get white screen for the following reasons

  1. You’re calling a dependency that doesn’t exist

  2. Make sure the dependency you’re trying to use is listed among the dependencies in the app.module

  3. Your dependency will work fine on browser cos you’re using a reference such as script tag. But after building ionic will look for folder in your app with that name. So always download the package from github and save in your work folder. Example are ionic, ngcordova, geolocation, camera and many others.

  4. Always check properly the script src if it is correct.

  5. Please do not copy a dependency from one project to another. Always do fresh installation

  6. A white screen may also appear cos the dependency has already been broken before

  7. Also do not load your dependencies before cordova.js which is also after ng-cordova.js

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