Ionic serve --lab not opening in browser

Running ionic serve --lab does open the expected lab view in my browser.

It only informs me that: dev server running: http://localhost:8100/

If I open this, it shows the app in full screen in the browser, rather than the lab view.

How do I access the lab view in my browser?

EDIT: I got it to working using the --browser flag. I’m not sure why it wasn’t autolaunching previously. That’ll teach me for premature posting…

Which OS? and what browser?

Glad you got it working

elementary OS. It works with any browser I have using the --browser option (chromium, epiphany, vivaldi) but it doesn’t launch a browser tab without it.

Interestingly, launching the docs via the command line does in fact open the default browser, only the serve command doesn’t.

have you tried this after ionic serve --lab



FWIW this is what I was missing myself. The browser was just opening to the base :8100/ page instead of /ionic-lab. Thank you!

Open http://localhost:8100/ionic-lab and select a selector of platforms on the right, select you want to

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It’s worked in my case.