Ionic Resource fail to copy IOS icons and splash screens

I have recently discovered ionic resources creation and I like it.

However when deploying to the iPhone device or emulator I get no new images. the default images stay in place and mine are not used. When I look at the log I see the following lines…

Sams-MBP:four_across sam$ ionic run ios --device
cp: no such file or directory: /Users/sam/Dropbox/four_across/resources\ios\icon\icon-60.png

cp: no such file or directory: /Users/sam/Dropbox/four_across/resources\ios\icon\icon-60@2x.png

cp: no such file or directory: /Users/sam/Dropbox/four_across/resources\ios\icon\icon-60@3x.png

cp: no such file or directory: /Users/sam/Dropbox/four_across/resources\ios\icon\icon-76.png

Obviously this doesn’t look right as the slashes are forward and backward mixed.
I looked to see if this was being done by a hook and could not find it.

Any fix for this?

Developing on a mac Yosemite


I got same issue on Windows/Android, I just replaced the \ by / in the config.xml file where ionic resources created these.

Thanks I’ll do that instead of what I did… write a hook copying all the images :frowning:


I opened an issue

Hi all, I recently encountered the same error but my fix was: run ‘ionic resources’ then ionic will re-generate new default images for you, then build :slight_smile.