Ionic Menu causing CDVWebViewDelegate: Navigation started when state=1

When I quickly change between menu items in the popout menu I get the bootstrap error page with the following error:

>     CDVWebViewDelegate: Navigation started when state=1
>     2015-03-26 16:41:19:491 MayorApp[62832:607] ERROR|SFHybridViewController|Error while attempting to load web page: Error Domain=CDVWebViewDelegate Code=1 "CDVWebViewDelegate: Navigation started when state=1" UserInfo=0x7beca7b0 {NSLocalizedDescription=CDVWebViewDelegate: Navigation started when state=1}
>     2015-03-26 16:41:19.572 MayorApp[62832:1682320] Failed to load webpage with error: CDVWebViewDelegate: Navigation started when state=1
>     2015-03-26 16:41:19.581 MayorApp[62832:1682320] Resetting plugins due to page load.
>     2015-03-26 16:41:19.604 MayorApp[62832:1682320] Finished load of: about:blank

What is the cause of this error? I have read a bunch of solutions on the web but cannot seem to find a solution. I started my project with ionic starter salesforce ( and have been building on that pattern.

The error occurs in CDVWebViewDelagate in the method - (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView*)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest*)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType

Has anyone run across this issue?

Hello, did you find a problem?

I faced the similar issue when working with multiple templates and multiple controller.

And it just happened that one of the controllers name was different.

for eg.

In app.js
angular.module(‘starter’, [‘ionic’, ‘starter.controllers’, ‘’])

In custom-controller.js
angular.module(‘starter’).controller(‘AuthorisationController’, [’$state’, ‘$ionicPopup’, ‘UserAuthorisationService’, AuthorisationController]);

I had defined the module named was ‘starter’

I hope this can help someone.