What I did was generate a page using the ionic generate p pagename, then edit app.module.ts to include the new page class, but then I get these errors:
Error: Type DrBio in /src/pages/dr-bio/dr-bio.ts is part of the declarations of 2
modules: AppModule in /src/app/app.module.ts and DrBioModule in
/src/pages/dr-bio/dr-bio.module.ts! Please consider moving DrBio in
/src/pages/dr-bio/dr-bio.ts to a higher module that imports AppModule in
/src/app/app.module.ts and DrBioModule in
/src/pages/dr-bio/dr-bio.module.ts. You can also create a new NgModule that
exports and includes DrBio in /src/pages/dr-bio/dr-bio.ts then import that
NgModule in AppModule in /src/app/app.module.ts and DrBioModule in
And I’m not sure how to include this module into my project now. The quick fix is to delete dr-bio.module.ts and remove the @IonicPage() declaration from dr-bio.ts, but I’m not positive that follows best practices for pages now.