Greetings all!
What a year it has been. From all the updates that have been released for Ionic and the growth in this community, this year has been a memorable one.
I wanted to extend my thanks for making this year a great one and look forward to what next year brings.
The team is taking this week off to spend some time with our families for the holidays and will be back to work for the new year.
Thanks all for making 2014 great, now lets make 2015 even better.
December 22, 2014, 5:33am
@mhartington I wish you the entire ionic Team to have a nice holidays.and Happy New Year in Advance.
Ionic is absolutely fantastic and I’m eternally grateful for you putting so much work to it. Have a great holidays. You guys deserve it. Looking forward to 2015.
Bonne vacance et reposez vous bien.
Bless From FRANCE !!
December 22, 2014, 11:48am
Enjoy your well deserved holydays, I’ll be spending mine building a Ionic app for a small ski-festival.
Greetings from Denmark.
Thank you guys for creating such fantastic framework!
“Feliz Natal e um próspero Ano Novo!” (Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year)
from Brazil