Ionic + Flurry: setUserId

I’m new to Angular and I’m creating a project with Ionic and I want to implement Flurry with it.

Everything looks fine except for my setUserId function. I have the following Service based on this tutorial (

.service('flurryService', function () {

    // create a new instance
    this.init = function () {

      var options = {
        logLevel: 'DEBUG',                  // (VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR)
        enableLogging: true,                // defaults to false
        enableEventLogging: true,          // should every event show up the app's log, defaults to true
        enableCrashReporting: true,         // should app crashes be recorded in flurry, defaults to false, iOS only
        enableBackgroundSessions: true,     // should the session continue when the app is the background, defaults to false, iOS only
        reportSessionsOnClose: true,       // should data be pushed to flurry when the app closes, defaults to true, iOS only
        reportSessionsOnPause: true        // should data be pushed to flurry when the app is paused, defaults to true, iOS only

      // workaround - create a blank flurryAnalytics for development site since FlurryAnalytics will be available on devices only
      if (window.cordova)
        this.flurryAnalytics = new FlurryAnalytics();
        this.flurryAnalytics = {
          logEvent: function () {}, init: function () {}, logError: function(a,b){console.error(a,b);}

        flurry_id = 'MYFLURRYID';
      } else { //iOS
        flurry_id = 'MYFLURRYID';

      this.flurryAnalytics.init(flurry_id, options, function () {}, function (err) {});


    this.logEvent = function (title, obj) {
      this.flurryAnalytics.logEvent(title, obj, function () {}, function () {});

    this.logError = function (title, error) {
     this.flurryAnalytics.logError(title, error, function () {}, function (err) {});

    // PS I created this function
    this.setUserId = function (id) {
      this.flurryAnalytics.setUserId(id, function () {}, function (err) {});


Inside my login page I injected flurryService and tried to call setUserId function after the login is checked. This is just a simplified example.

.controller('homeCtrl', function($scope,  $http, flurryService) {

$scope.login = function (){

                            "email": email,
                            "password": password});

          method  : 'POST',
          url     : '/login',
          data    : encodedata
          .success(function(data) {

          var result = data.split('|');
          var user_id = result[1];





The problem is that I’m getting the following error:

services.js:34 TypeError: this.flurryAnalytics.setUserId is not a function

Line 34 is this one:
logEvent: function () {}, init: function () {}, logError: function(a,b){console.error(a,b);}

Does anyone know what is the problem?
