Ionic delete flat arrow of IonSelect

How to delete flat arrow of IonSelect on ionic 5 use Reactjs. I custom it and i want to delete it.
ionic delete flat arrow of IonSelect

Inspect the element using the Chrome Dev Tools, see what CSS rule is adding that arrow and override it with a display: none in your own CSS styles.

can edit on chrome but can’t change on css code

can edit on chrome but can’t change on css code

You need to use the ::part pseudo-element because Ionic uses web components. Here’s an example of how to hide the ion-select icon.

thanks, it’s work. I can’t find the ::part on ionic docs. ::part is css pseudo-element, right?

and i have a question:
I create IonRadioGroup with IonRadio and i try to style when i check radio it will change style. But it’s just work when IonRadio not use display: none. When i use display: none it not trigger.

this image i style radio opacity: 0; it work.

            <IonText className="cleaning__title">
              How many bathrooms / toilet?
              onIonChange={(e) => setSelected(e.detail.value)}
              <IonList className="listRadio">
                  className="ion-no-padding ion-no-margin noPad"
                    value="1 Toilet"
                  {selected === "1 Toilet" ? (
                      <IonImg className="iconRadio showIcon" src={iconCheck} />
                      <IonList className="listRadio__item checkList">
                        <IonLabel className="flexLabelCleaning">
                          <IonLabel className="blueNum">1</IonLabel>Toilet
                  ) : (
                    // <IonImg className="iconRadio showIcon" src={iconCheck} />
                        className="iconRadio hiddenIcon"
                      <IonList className="listRadio__item">
                        <IonLabel className="flexLabelCleaning">
                  {/* <IonImg className="iconRadio showIcon" src={iconCheck} />
                   <IonList className="listRadio__item checkList">
                    <IonLabel className="flexLabelCleaning">
                      <IonLabel className="blueNum">1</IonLabel>Toilet
                   </IonList> */}

It’s working on the Android and the web but not on the iPhone.
Any solution.