Ionic cordova run android produces white screen of death

My app fades into a white screen from the flash screen after ionic cordova run android in android device and ionic cordova run ios in iPhone. Debug info in the Android Studio shows the following message.

file:///android_asset/www/cordova.js: Line 1218 : deviceready has not fired after 5 seconds
"deviceready has not fired after 5 seconds.", source: file:///android_asset/www/cordova.js (1218)
file:///android_asset/www/build/vendor.js: Line 155596 : Native: deviceready did not fire within 5000ms. This can happen when plugins are in an inconsistent state. Try removing plugins from plugins/ and reinstalling them.
"Native: deviceready did not fire within 5000ms. This can happen when plugins are in an inconsistent state. Try removing plugins from plugins/ and reinstalling them.", source: file:///android_asset/www/build/vendor.js (155596)

This suggests to delete plugin folder and reinstall it. Worth giving it a try.

Blockquote[quote=“nisimjoseph, post:20, topic:115181, full:true”]
adding something here. don’t remove ,
just change the “/” to “.”, so it look like that:

and it working.

I have done this and it works, however it creates a different STRANGE issue - it affects the top status bar. Basically, the status bar turns black and it only display the battery percentage number. Everything else is hidden. Any wise advice? Thank you