Ionic capacitor run android --list cant find devices

I had the same issue and after upgrading Android Studio to “Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1”, when loading the project on Android Studio, it asks for updating the Gradle version of my project and after upgrading, my device was able to be shown on the list.

In my case I forgot to add JAVA_HOME and ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variables. After adding a valid path it starts working perfectly.

Close chrome debugger as well as chrome://inspect tab.

In my case I notice the command:

npx native-run android --list --verbose

I don’t have installed the apiLevel packs 28 and 29.

  native-run:android:utils:avd:getDefaultAVDSchematic Issue with API 29: Unsatisfied packages within API 29: platforms;android-29 +0ms
  native-run:android:utils:avd:getDefaultAVDSchematic Issue with API 28: Unsatisfied packages within API 28: platforms;android-28 +0ms

I installed this and everything is working.


I’ve noticed a conflict here as well. Previously I’ve used cordova and had ANDROID_ROOT_HOME set, once I had updated that environment variable to ANDROID_HOME, capacitor picked up the devices.

After update capacitor/cli not working properly. Note that I updated project dependencies and Android Studio (not sure in which order).

The issue is that ionic capacitor run android --target=X and ionic capacitor run android --list do not run, just opening project in Andorid Studio IDE. I cannot run app in my mobile device.

Note that mobile device is listed on npx native-run android --list

I had the same error, ionic cap run --list android , I couldn’t find the emulator, it was solved by downloading the versions of Android 11 and Android 13 from the Sdk Manager

I install android SDK manually then following command work

C:\android\cmdline-tools\latest\bin>avdmanager list device

Also created a demonstration at
//Ionic 6 Angular - How do I make a APK without Android studio. Part 2 - installation of SDK - YouTube

I had the same issue on linux

export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Android/Sdk
ionic cap run android -l --external

Make sure you have android sdk on your home dir

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Hi, I had the same problem here and everything seemed to be correctly configured. In fact, everything was! The problem was I was not running the ionic capacitor run android --list from the project root folder. I was in an inner component folder in the terminal. By going back to the root project folder and running the ionic capacitor run android command again, it worked!

Hi man, man the same as you. I’m using Linux (Ubuntu 20.04 to be specific), this is my environment:

Node.js 16.18.0
Ionic 7.0.1
Angular 15
Java 11
Android Studio Electric Eel (SDK’s 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)

Ionic throws an error when executing “ionic capacitor add android” or “ionic capacitor run android”: [Error] no devices or emulators found

I tried adding JAVA_HOME, ANDROID_SDK_ROOT to .bashrc, but finally ir worked when I added ANDROID_HOME.

For those who want to do it, this is what I did:
nano ~/.bashrc


export JAVA_HOME
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/platform-tools
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/emulator

source ~/.bashrc
