Ionic Build Service Caching IOS?


ive a problem. I try to generate the IOS Build using
ionic package build ios --profile --dev

Then i try to install the file using GapDebug. Before i install i remove the old app from the IPad (and tried rebooting, etc).

But it looks like that its cached somehow. I increased the version number in the config.xml but the result was the same.

Usually after a long time (a day?) not building the file its working with a new version. Is there a Caching-System in the Build-system which doesnt let me generate “small” updates for testing purpose?

edit: even the badge of the Push (3 new Push) near the App-Symbol wont get cleared. There are no notifications but the badge is still there.

Push :] :tractor: Its really urgent to know, else i need to compile using a virtual hackintosh system. thx