In order to release your app for production and submit to the app store do you need to do ionic build ios --release?
I’ve done ionic build ios and uploaded it to testflight and itunes connect through xcode in the past without issue in order to test.
Is that way still ok for the final production version to submit to the store or must it be the release command?
When I do ionic build ios --release I get this error, no error with ionic build ios?
The following build commands failed:
Ld build/My\\\ App normal i386
(1 failure)
Error: Error code 65 for command: xcodebuild with args: -
build-release.xcconfig,-project,My App.xcodeproj,-target,My App,-
I think this is a horrendous idea, that would only perpetuate the myth that “Ionic 2” and “Ionic 3” are actual things. The sooner that notion goes away, the better.
As for me, and still see some Ionic 2 components unworkable (some totally, unusable for x or z reason) while coding, my humble say is that it should be separated now in different forums, simply to have a clearer view of what is working or not which each build version. (it’s just a practical thing for me and people, already when you search in google you often get on Ionic 1 results that have more or less nothing to do with the Ionic 2 code).
Then if you think Ionic 3 will be 100% bug free on any component (which was obviously not the case in Ionic 2, (I pass on the weeks i spent to learn IonicDB before it was just scraped), then sure no need to create a forum for ionic 3.
The difference between Ionic 1 and the current version is massive and real. Ionic 1 is still being maintained (AFAIK). “Ionic 2” does not exist as a maintained concept, so it would be pointless and counterproductive to dedicate any resources to pretending that it is.
@rapropos Ok, I’m a big fan of Ionic, I hope it will not take me too much time to rewrite the code base from 2 (Lost some weeks already with IonicDB that was scraped).