IONIC Accessibility - How to be a11y?

As you know, Accessibility is about People, Is the way we can build websites, mobile apps and experiences that work for more people. Near the fifth of the population on the planet has some kind of disability, we must address accessibility. Then, to ensure we are delivering Accessible mobile apps with IONIC, we need to be compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0)ā€¦

Do you know the appropriate approach to develop a11y IONIC apps? is IONIC thinking on a11y?
What are your recommended manual testing tools, automated tools, screen readers to tests?

  • Chrome Accessibility Developer tools (Audit base on rules defined)
  • aXe Chrome extension - Uses the axe-core JavaScript library
  • WAVE Chrome extension
  • Visual Contrast Checker
  • Web Accessibility Checker (VS2015) - Uses the axe-core JavaScript library
  • Protractor with the a11y plugin that runs the Chrome Accessibility tool
  • gulp-a11y - A Gulp plugin for a11y to run accessibility audits on html files.
  • gulp-accessibility - To grade your App/Site accessibility using different levels of the WCAG guidelines
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This is a good list. Iā€™d love to hear from someone who has deployed an Ionic app to production with a11y support.