Ionic 4 button ngStyle background-color

it’s the same as I already shared, sorry, can’t help more. hope someone will, good luck

All good.
I have a working version with:
<ion-button [class.catBtn]='!cat.isSelected' [class.catBtnSelected]='cat.isSelected'></ion-button>

Thanks again for all the help in this post and across the forum. With all the responses you give, you must be clones.

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good to hear it worked out!

As of 4.0.0-Beta.8 a button’s colors can be set as so:

    --background: red;
    --color: black;
    --border-color: green;



This one worked… Thanks :slight_smile: :smile: Btw whats the significance of - - ??

is there any solutions?

 <ion-button fill="outline"  [ngStyle]="( ==={'background':'#00B0CA',color:'white'}:''">


this what i have used but it display as below




Which version of Ionic are you using?
Test this:
That works in Version 4

If anyone is still looking for a simple way to do this. I am on Ionic 5.x so not sure how far back it works.

This was my solution to setting the button color dynamically

<ion-button [color]="true ? 'color1' : 'color2'">

how you managing isSelected in ts can i get a sample?