Ionic 2 push notification client management

Hello guys, first post in Ionic forums, nice to meet you all.

I’m implementing a push notification service with Amazon Web Service SNS in my ionic 2 app using the phonegap-plugin-push plugin. I checked this post in order to improve notifications experience:

It works fine, but I have a question. In all forums I visited, all tutorials talk about configuring the payload like this:

    "notification": {
        "title": "Test Notification",
        "body": "This offer expires at 11:30 or whatever",
        "notId": 10
    "data" : {
        "surveyID": "ewtawgreg-gragrag-rgarhthgbad"

But I don’t want my backend to generate a notification with these title and body, or any data inside. I want my backend to generate a notification with some event ID, for example, and in my app client I want to transform this information into a custom concrete title, icon, etc.

    "notification": {
        "event_id": "some event id",
        "notId": 10
    "data" : {
        "surveyID": "ewtawgreg-gragrag-rgarhthgbad"

I mean, something like Android’s NotificationManager, where you can set an xml file with your modified data and show it.

Is this possible? Is this possible when the app is running in foreground, at least? Every kind of information would be helpful.
