Ionic 2 Problems List

I don’t know what happening with my project, but I think that problem can be of Ionic 2:

Problems List:

  • ion-segment not working well: Not work well, I don’t know why, because is very simple, I’m following the tutorial by ionicframework site.

  • Storage and SQL Lite: Not working in real device. I’m following the tutorial by ionicframework site.

  • Very, very, very, very slow, I don’t know what happening, sometime I try add only one button to call using pushView and is very slow to open the view.

Hi, no one can help unless they see your code and your ionic details. We do not have access to your computer so it is hard to help or know the problem.

For starters, can you show your ionic version information.
Show what tutorial you are following and what do you want to achieve.