Ionic 2 generators for page-login and others don't work, dependency error?

Hi guys, here’s the issue, i love the Rails generators, including some sort of that in Ionic 2 is soo cool, but for my it only works like the basic ones:

  1. ionic g page

  2. ionic g injectable

Haven’t tested all those but i know that the page-* generators aren’t working, so sad, heres the error log:

$ ionic g page-login
You do not appear to have a compatible version of Ionic v2 installed.
Ionic Framework v2 version 2.0.0-alpha.31 or later is required to use the generators.
Please run: “npm install ionic-framework” (CLI v2.0.0-beta.7)

Your system information:

Cordova CLI: 5.4.1
Gulp version: CLI version 3.9.0
Gulp local:
Ionic Version: 2.0.0-alpha.39
Ionic CLI Version: 2.0.0-beta.7
Ionic App Lib Version: 2.0.0-beta.2
ios-deploy version: Not installed
ios-sim version: Not installed
OS: Mac OS X El Capitan
Node Version: v5.1.0
Xcode version: Xcode 7.1.1 Build version 7B1005

Also here’s my npm global package setup for ionic:

$ npm list -g | grep ionic
├─┬ ionic@2.0.0-beta.7
│ ├─┬ ionic-app-lib@2.0.0-beta.2
│ │ ├─┬ ionic-cordova-lib@5.1.10
│ │ │ ├─┬ ionic-xcode@0.8.3