Ionic 2 Beta / Cordova 6: THREAD WARNING: ['StatusBar'] took '11.863770' ms. Plugin should use a background thread

Any recommended way in Ionic 2 Beta and Cordova to make this a background thread? Or can I ignore the message?

These are messages you can safely ignore. They’re mostly xcode trying to suggest things about plugins, but do not actually have any impact.

As long as performance is not impacted I might follow your advise. 80ms is ok, but imagine 500ms.

Again, for the most part, these are safe to ignore. Cordova dev’s know about them but with the way that cordova works, the cannot be called from a background thread (at least to my understanding).

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Its ok to ignore it but having a white screen that last for about 5 seconds before it loads everything isn’t good. If I remove the status bar plugin it loads instantly. Weird because the warning reported 13.xx ms which is just a fraction of the 5 seconds the white screen is showing up. Did any one experience this issue other than me?

In my case, I’m using video trimming method, and it crashed altogether on me! Any way to make it run as a background thread?