I have been developing my app with ionic1.0-rc.1 and recently I tried upgrading to ionic 1.0.
Previously, I have never had issues upgrading to newer ionic version but this time my app just wouldn’t work with ionic 1.0.
After spending the whole weekend I found out that the problem was that the ionicPlatform.ready event is not occurring when the “forge.js” library is included in the app.
My app uses the forge library for encryption.
Forge is at: “https://github.com/digitalbazaar/forge.git”
I have created a simple test with the ionic starter app to prove the problem and it’s easy to re-create.
ionic start myApp
build the forge package:
git clone https://github.com/digitalbazaar/forge.git
cd forge
npm install
npm run bundle
That will create a “js/forge.bundle.js” file in the forge source tree.
copy over “js/forge.bundle.js” in the starter apps lib directory “lib/forge/forge.bundle.js”
Now simply include the forge library in the starter app’s index.html.
With the file included in the app, the ionicPlatform.event() callback never occurs.
Don’t include the forge library and the event happens no problem.
I also found out that this problem started happening with “ionic.1.0-rc.2” onwards. “rc.1” works fine.
Can someone please look into this issue urgently? Util this is resolved my app is DOA beyond ionic 1.0-rc.1
Happy to look into any work around.
thanks for any help