Ion-sliders with different scroll

Hi everyone,

I got an issu with ion-slides, actually i got 3 slides with different numbers of cards in it. For example, if i scroll on the first slide and then slide to the 2nd, the scroll is the same whereas i would like, when sliding, to start at the top of the slide.

Actually i tried to execute a content.ScrollToTop() on slide changed but that’s not really what i want…
I just would like to have different scroll in each ion-slides that i can scroll on the first slide, change slide and see the top of my slide 2 then slide on slide 3 on top… etc…

Here is the following code:

<ion-slides (ionSlideDidChange)="slideChanged()">

I also tried to add an ion-scroll into each ion-slide but it goes for a blank page…
My components are just cards, nothing more nothing less.

Many thanks in advance for the help !