Ion-Range Not Working Properly

Hello everyone,

I’m developing an app with ionic 2.
Using 2 alternatives for navigation.

  • First : Sidemenu
  • Second : Homepage buttons

When i pushed from side menu all controls works normally. But when i pushed from home page with NavController, ion-range, ion-toggle etc not working. I see controls in screen but i cant click or change states.

Can anbody help me about that?


Can you put together a simple demo of this in a plnkr or build a demo and push to github?

Kind of hard to follow without any code.

First all, thanks for reply!

Here it is :

My app working with “ionic serve” on browser. But when i builded apk and installed my phone ion-range not working properly by clicking from home page. When i pushed from side menu, it works!

I tried these options pushing from home.ts;

  • this.appCtrl.getRootNav().push(page.component);
  • this.appCtrl.getRootNav().setRoot(page.component);
  • this.appCtrl.getActiveNav().push(page.component);
  • this.appCtrl.getActiveNav().setRoot(page.component);
  • this.navCtrl.push(page.component);

Thanks for the demo.
I wasn’t able to recreate your issue though.

ionic start myApp sidemenu --v2
cd myApp

I added the range code to page 2, and then ran it on my nexus 5


Thanks for reply. But i have 2 navigation in my app.
First : Sidemenu
Second : Home page buttons

When i clicked from sidemenu range works properly. But when i clicked home page buttons its not working on builded apk :frowning:

Can you put that plunkr in a git repo to look at?

Hi Mike,

You can check out it this link :