Ion-radio can't read value outside of ion-content

I have here my html:

  <ion-radio ng-model="termsAgreement" ng-value="'A'">I Agree to the Terms </ion-radio>
  <ion-radio ng-model="termsAgreement" ng-value="'B'">I do not agree</ion-radio>

  <button ng-show="termsAgreement=='A'" ng-model="terms.continueButton" ng-click="showContButton()" class="button button-block button-positive">

ng-show will not work unless I copy and paste button inside of ion-content bar, also I can’t access radio values from inside controller unless function is called from radio button its self:

eg this works:

 <ion-radio ng-model="termsAgreement" ng-value="'A'" ng-click="logContent()" >I Agree to the Terms </ion-radio>
 <ion-radio ng-model="termsAgreement" ng-value="'B'">I do not agree</ion-radio>

$scope.logContent = function(){

But not this:

 <ion-radio ng-model="termsAgreement" ng-value="'A'">I Agree to the Terms </ion-radio>
 <ion-radio ng-model="termsAgreement" ng-value="'B'">I do not agree</ion-radio>
 <button ng-show="termsAgreement=='A'" ng-click="logContent()" class="button button-block button-positive">

$scope.logContent = function(){

Even when button is inside ion-content.

I just can’t seem to access the value of radio buttons anywhere in controller and not on page logic except in the case where i use ng-show while button is inside the ion-content


yes you place ng-controller in ion-view

I have the controller set in the .config, so I shouldnt need to use ng-controller

.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {

  .state('welcome', {
    url: '/welcome',
    templateUrl: "views/start.html"
    controller: 'WelcomeCtrl'