Ion-option-button won't work

I feel like i have tried everything. Can someone please tell me why my ion-options-button isn’t seeming to work?

Here is my code

<ion-view title={{forumConv.topic}}>
<ion-content id="forum-conversation" delegate-handle="myScroll">
    <ion-list class="list padding-horizontal padding-top" style="margin-bottom: 50px;" >
        <ion-item item="item" class="item item-text-wrap item-icon-left" ng-repeat="post in posts">
            <i class="icon ion-android-contact"></i>
            <h2 style="float: left;">{{post.user_id}}</h2>
            <h2 style="float: right;">{{post.created_at}}</h2>
            <div style="clear: both;"></div>

            <ion-option-button class="button-assertive" ng-click="delete(post)">
    </ion-list >
<ion-footer-bar keyboard-attach>
    <label class="item-input-wrapper stable-border light-bg">
        <input type="text" ng-model="forumConv.input" placeholder="Start typing your message here.">
    <button class="button button-small" ng-click="sendMessage()">
        <i class="ion-paper-airplane"></i>

Hey mate.

If you can put together a CodePen replicating the issue that would be a great help in working out whats going on.

Thanks i’ll do my best. I actually just found out that it seems to be working on the mobile. So i guess it’s just a computer issue. Any ideas as to why that might happen?

I just copied your list and it works perfectly for me, even in the browser! Maybe you catch the scroll event with your delegate or something like that?

Hmm maybe. Here is my controller code

angular.module('va_disability.forumConversation', [] )

.controller('ForumConversationCtrl',['$scope', '$state','$resource','userInfo', '$ionicLoading', 'forumPostsInfo', '$ionicScrollDelegate', '$timeout', function ForumConversationCtrl($scope, $state, $resource, userInfo, $ionicLoading, forumPostsInfo, $ionicScrollDelegate, $timeout) {
    $scope.forumConv = {};
    $scope.posts = [];

    $scope.forumConv.topic = forumPostsInfo.topicTitle;
    $scope.posts = forumPostsInfo.topicPosts;

    $scope.forumConv.isAdmin = true;

    $timeout(function() {
    }, 1);

    $scope.sendMessage = function(){
        var forumMessage = $resource('',
                postMessage: {
                    method: 'POST',
                    params: {
                        token: userInfo.token,
                        topic_id: forumPostsInfo.topicId,
                        content: $scope.forumConv.input

        forumMessage.postMessage(function (success) {
            var getTopics = $resource('').query({token: userInfo.token, topic_id: forumPostsInfo.topicId}).$promise.then(function(topicPosts) {
                $scope.posts = topicPosts;

                $timeout(function() {
                }, 300);

                $scope.forumConv.input = "";
                console.log("Success baby!");

    //convert our dates to an understanble string
    convertDates = function(arrayOfTime){
        for(topicDate in arrayOfTime) {
            var createdAt = new Date(arrayOfTime[topicDate].created_at);
            var check = new Date(arrayOfTime[topicDate].created_at);

            var now = new Date();
            if(check.setHours(0,0,0,0) == now.setHours(0,0,0,0)){
                var isPm = false, hourTime = 0;
                if(createdAt.getHours() === 12){
                    isPm = true;
                if(createdAt.getHours() > 12) {
                    isPm = true;
                    hourTime = createdAt.getHours() - 12;
                var time = (hourTime > 0)? hourTime : createdAt.getHours();
                time += ":" + createdAt.getMinutes();
                time += (isPm)? " PM" : " AM";
                arrayOfTime[topicDate].created_at = time;
                arrayOfTime[topicDate].created_at = createdAt.toLocaleDateString();


    $scope.delete = function(){
        console.log("Delete this shit");