I have 6 screens and I want to use ion-nav-view to navigate between them. So the normal navigation is: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6.
1.) Imagine that I want to open the app but I want to navigate to screen 4 first.
2.) Then I want to go to screen 3.
However, I want to show the back animation when going to screen 3 from 4. So as if the user had done this navigation order: (1 -> 2 -> 3 ->) start:4 -> 3. But of course, he didn’t open 1->2->3 before because he didn’t create that history.
Basically, the behaviour should look as if he skipped the first 3 screens, app opens on screen 4, and then he can go “back” to screens 3, then screen 2, or then screen 1.
And then from any of the screens #1, #2, #3, he can navigate forward to screen #4, #5, #6.
Is this possible?