Ion-nav-view custom navigation


I have 6 screens and I want to use ion-nav-view to navigate between them. So the normal navigation is: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6.

1.) Imagine that I want to open the app but I want to navigate to screen 4 first.
2.) Then I want to go to screen 3.

However, I want to show the back animation when going to screen 3 from 4. So as if the user had done this navigation order: (1 -> 2 -> 3 ->) start:4 -> 3. But of course, he didn’t open 1->2->3 before because he didn’t create that history.

Basically, the behaviour should look as if he skipped the first 3 screens, app opens on screen 4, and then he can go “back” to screens 3, then screen 2, or then screen 1.

And then from any of the screens #1, #2, #3, he can navigate forward to screen #4, #5, #6.

Is this possible?

I am also interested in this. The way I think of it is having the navigation stack be based on a hierarchy as opposed to a history. So the back button would actually be more of a “level up” button, which always goes one level higher in the hierarchy, as opposed to whatever view it was on previously.

Hey there, so yeah this type of functionality is not yet built into ionic. This is in the works though, so stay tuned

Did this functionality ever make it into ionic? I have run across the same issue.