Image not displaying while displaying contacts

As we are moving in circles here, I decided to quickly build this myself:

We start with a blank Ionic project:

First we add Ionic Native contacts and do a simple console.log on all the contacts we get back:

Now we know the structure of contacts and know contacts have a photos key that can be either null or an list of objects:


With that knowledge we can output all contacts that DO have a picture:

That shows us what you got all the time:

In the console we get this:

but also this:

That URL gives us the code we need to implement to fix this:

Implemented this changes our code to this:

Success - our contact list now shows our contacts that have photos and the images actually load!

And now that we know it works, we can also add all the other contacts to our list and give them a default image to make it more useful:

And with that my contact list output looks like this:



Try to learn from what @Sujan12 has posted, take this whole exercise as a learning experience.

For your purposes though, we just need to check both photos being not null and photos being not empty as follows:

if((contacts[i].displayName !== null) && (!==null && contacts[i].photos.length > 0))

This is because it seems that if there is no photo set for the contact then the photos can be null and it can possibly be an empty array too, if at all not null.

Also, do not post personal data as @sonuyadav said.


Thanks a lot for your time …the issue has been resolved…and it was really a great learning by doing…


Please feel free to ask any questions about my code. You almost had it, but didn’t look at the data structures and so had no way to really solve it.

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A post was split to a new topic: Grouping entries in list by first letter

Hi @Sujan12 . I used your github code to display contact list. But unfortunately I am getting the error. Instead of the images. This is the code:

.ts file:


.html file:

Screenshot_4 .

And I am facing this error while getting images:

And it displays only names and numbers.

Please help me?

That code is a few years old, so not surprising that it doesn’t work any more. Did you follow the link from the error message and understand it and follow what the solution for it is?

Hi @Sujan12 . Thanks for replying. I just solved it with an another way. I used ( WebView ) plugin for it. Which can be found here ( ). And my code was look like this:

 constructor(private contacts: Contacts, private sanitizer: DomSanitizer, private router: Router, private callNumber: CallNumber, private contact: Contact, private webView: WebView) {
    // TODO

 getContacts(): void {
        ['displayName', 'phoneNumbers', 'photos'],
        {multiple: true, hasPhoneNumber: true}
    ).then((contacts) => {
      for (let i = 0 ; i < contacts.length; i++) {
        if(contacts[i].displayName !== null) {
          const contact = {};
          contact['name']   = contacts[i].displayName;
          contact['number'] = contacts[i].phoneNumbers[0].value;
          if (contacts[i].photos != null && contacts[i].photos.length > 0) {
            contact['image'] = this.webView.convertFileSrc(contacts[i].photos[0].value);
          } else {
            contact['image'] = 'assets/dummy-profile-pic.png';

This is the working code for me. You can update it in the github.

Can you help in saving contact with image?