Iconic and data

I am working on a thesis project and would like to create an app.

This framework was recommended to me; I have used PhoneGab, jQueryMobile and Cordova before…and the problem I ran into was these frameworks really did not seem to have a way to operate with a database, if you wanted to use native phone features (like the camera)…there seemed to be some ways to make up for this, but the seemed fairly complex.

How does Iconic work with a database? I was attempting to do native Android, and am looking at MongoDB…not sure if that works with this.

Thanks so much; kind of new, kind of experienced…so thanks in advance!


Hi Michel,

You can use ngcordova for features like camera.
for db i am using sqllite, firebase.
I have not tried with mongoDB.

Sunil Rajput

That is great news! I used Firebase to implement a chat-bases system, so am familiar; and know a bit about sql-lite; thanks for the response, I think this will meet my needs.
