I want to creat a EMI calculator but showig some error

there is my code.

onChangehomeloaninterest(ev: any) {
  // alert(this.homeloaninterest);
   this.monthlyinstrest=12/this.homeloaninterest/100;// calculate the monthly instrest 0.012

 onChangehomeloanloantenure(ev: any) {

  this.month= this.homeloanloantenure*12;// here convert  year to month 
let payments=Math.pow(1+this.monthlyinstrest,this.month);

When i put the value

showing this EMI amount=>8997.54332793509 but it is wrong.

its correct 8791.59

please help me anyone.

Maybe try some parseFloat and toFixed or toPrecision

Found rapidly this article http://www.saintsatplay.com/blog/2014/08/handling-floating-point-numbers-in-javascript#.Wk4ANyN7TrI

ok i will try. @reedrichards

Is not working


sorry to hear that, hope someone will have a better idea

actually when i’m punting the data above 600000 its working fine but is not working for 100000.but why i can’t understand


please show how you declare all used variables and all calculation steps.

Maybe anywhere is a string and not a number.

Best regards, anna-liebt.

My ts

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { IonicPage, NavController, NavParams } from 'ionic-angular';

  selector: 'page-emi-cal',
  templateUrl: 'emi-cal.html',
export class EmiCalPage {
 homeloanamount: number = 5000;
 homeloaninterest: number = 15;
 homeloanloantenure: number =5;

constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams) {

  ionViewDidLoad() {
    console.log('ionViewDidLoad EmiCalPage');

 onChangehomeloanamount(ev: any) {

 onChangehomeloaninterest(ev: any) {
   this.monthlyinstrest=12/this.homeloaninterest/100;// calculate the monthly instrest 0.012
 onChangehomeloanloantenure(ev: any) {
  this.month= (this.homeloanloantenure*12);// here year convert to month 36 
let payments=Math.pow(1+this.monthlyinstrest,this.month);


		    	<ion-label color="primary">Home Loan Amount</ion-label>
		    	<ion-input placeholder="Text Input" [(ngModel)]="homeloanamount"></ion-input>
           		<ion-icon item-right><i class="fa fa-inr" aria-hidden="true"></i></ion-icon>
		           	<ion-range [(ngModel)]="homeloanamount" max="20000000" (ionChange)="onChangehomeloanamount($event)">
			        	<!--<ion-icon range-left small name="sunny"></ion-icon>
			        	<ion-icon range-right name="sunny"></ion-icon>-->
		    	<ion-label color="primary">Interest Rate</ion-label>
		    	<ion-input placeholder="Text Input" [(ngModel)]="homeloaninterest"></ion-input>
           		<ion-icon item-right><i class="fa fa-percent" aria-hidden="true"></i></ion-icon>

		           	<ion-range [(ngModel)]="homeloaninterest"  max="20" (ionChange)="onChangehomeloaninterest($event)">
			        	<!--<ion-icon range-left small name="sunny"></ion-icon>
			        	<ion-icon range-right name="sunny"></ion-icon>-->

		    	<ion-label color="primary">Loan Tenure</ion-label>
		    	<ion-input placeholder="Text Input" [(ngModel)]="homeloanloantenure" ></ion-input>
           		<ion-icon item-right><i class="fa fa-percent" aria-hidden="true"></i></ion-icon>
		           	<ion-range [(ngModel)]="homeloanloantenure"  max="30" (ionChange)="onChangehomeloanloantenure($event)">
			        	<!--<ion-icon range-left small name="sunny"></ion-icon>
			        	<ion-icon range-right name="sunny"></ion-icon>-->

Please check.

please check if text from input is converted correct to number you expect.

Best regards, anna-liebt

@anna_liebt you are right, just test op’s code locally

when sliding a radio -> value gonna be a number/float
when entering a value in one a the input -> value gonna be a string

there is most probably your problem @flycoders_sourav

Thank your for your valuable reply.I have fixed my problem

i’m just add this line type=“number” into the ion-input

thanks again @anna_liebt and @reedrichards for your positive response

@flycoders_sourav congrats!

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