I Need A Designer for Ionic App

Hey Everyone,

I’m close to being “finished” with my Kids in Touch app. It’s working pretty well. Unfortunately, I have ZERO design skills. I can’t even pick complimentary colors as I’m literally color blind. My app is using the default Ionic look and feel. It’s fine but just a bit plain.

I’m looking for someone with a bit of experience with Ionic that can do some custom CSS / color selection for me. The Kids in Touch app is pretty simple. At this point, I’m not looking for any significant design changes, just a bit of background colors to cards, lists, menu, forms, etc.

I’ve contacted a few people whose Ionic apps look better than mine. Unfortunately, they are all tied up.

If any of you are semi skilled at Ionic and have some design experience or know someone that does, please message me.

Here are a few samples:


HI Justin, I don’t know if you are still looking for feedback, but one thing I can suggest is that all the icons have smiles. Daddy is frowning and looks a bit aggressive with the facial hair, Mommy is shocked, and Conall looks like he is about to cry. I would give them all smiles. Also you can suggest different ages between the parents and kids by changing the placement of the eyes and mouth away from egg-heady like a toddler by moving them up in the way that a face changes as you age.
I made a quick change to the dad to show what I am talking about. Although changing the size of the avatars would do a lot more to help with differentiating parents from kids. And we can talk about colors if you want via DM