HTTP post won't continue

My data won’t connect to http post when sending 2 images. I dunno what to fix, here are the data that i am sending to database using http post.

this.dt += “&datetime[]=” + res.rows.item(i).date;
this.eid += “&eid[]=” + res.rows.item(i).employee;
this.ti1 += “&ti1[]=” + in1;
this.ti2 += “&ti2[]=” + in2;
this.to1 += “&to1[]=” + out1;
this.to2 += “&to2[]=” + out2;
this.latIn1 += “&latIN1[]=” + latin1;
this.latIn2 += “&latIN2[]=” + latin2;
this.longIn1 += “&longIN1[]=” + longin1;
this.longIn2 += “&longIN2[]=” + longin2;
this.latOut1 += “&latOUT1[]=” + latout1;
this.latOut2 += “&latOUT2[]=” + latout2;
this.longOut1 += “&longOUT1[]=” + longout1;
this.longOut2 += “&longOUT2[]=” + longout2;
this.imgIn1 += “&imgIN1[]=” + encodeURIComponent(res.rows.item(i).img_in1);
this.imgIn2 += “&imgIN2[]=” + encodeURIComponent(res.rows.item(i).img_in2);
// this.imgOut1 += “&imgOUT1[]=” + encodeURIComponent(res.rows.item(i).img_out1);
// this.imgOut2 += “&imgOUT2[]=” + encodeURIComponent(res.rows.item(i).img_out2);
this.type += “&type[]=” + res.rows.item(i).type; += “&dayt[]=” + res.rows.item(i).day_type;
this.oti += “&oti[]=” + oti;
this.bto += “&bto[]=” + bto;
this.bti += “&bti[]=” + bti;
this.oto += “&oto[]=” + oto;
this.isl += “&isl[]=” + res.rows.item(i).isLeave;
this.ird += “&ird[]=” + rd;
this.ind += “&ind[]=” + nd;

the 2 lines commented are the cause of issue. if I uncomment those lines, the problem occurs. pls help me thanks!