$http delete method to delete blob from jsonblob API & creation of two extra hidden fields

I am developing a single online reminder app (android), but referring to code which uses myjson API, and I’ve got to use jsonblob API. I’ve been able to get the create, get & update callbacks all working - so when I test it, I get a blobID returned, can save it and update it. The following are the relevant parts of services.js and controller.js, which show that the blobID is stored locally. I’ve used callbacks (callbackOK, callbackNOTOK), etc to define $http create, get & update. I am trying to get the $http delete method correct, as the blob needs to be deleted from jsonblob API and not just from the app.


/------------------ Get BlobID ----------------------------------/

this.getmyjsonblobID = function(){
    return myjsonblobID;

this.setmyjsonblobID = function(ID){
    myjsonblobID = ID;


contains all functionality needed to save, recieve and delete the myjsonblobID from the local storage
.service(‘storageService’, function($window){
//Saves/updates the myjsonblobID in local storage
this.setIDInStorage = function(myjsonblobID){

//Retrieves the myjsonblobID from local storage
this.getIDFromStorage = function(){
    return $window.localStorage.getItem("myjsonblobID");

//Deletes the myjsonblobID from local storage
this.deleteIDFromStorage = function(){



var app = angular.module(‘myNews’);

app.controller(“mainCtrl”,function($scope, myjsonblobService, storageService){

//On startup check if there is a myjsonblobID saved in the local storage
    var ID = storageService.getIDFromStorage();

    //if no id, set reminder data to default
    if(ID == "undefined" || ID === null || ID === ""){
        $scope.reminder = {
            titleText : "",
            descText : "",
            priority : 1,
            complete : false
        //show save button
        $scope.haveID = false;
    //if there is an id, set id from storage to myjsonblobService, then get data from myjsonblob
        //show update and delete buttons
        $scope.haveID = true;
        //let the myjsonblob ID service know the current myjsonblob ID
        //get myjsonblob data

/----------------- Link Service Functions ---------------------------/

$scope.createmyjsonblob = function(){

$scope.updatemyjsonblob = function(){

$scope.deletemyjsonblob = function(){
    //reset shown data to default values
    $scope.reminder = {
        titleText : "",
        descText : "",
        priority : 1,
        complete : false
    $scope.haveID = false;

    //deletes old myjsonblob ID from local storage

So, my questions are:

(1) How do I go about changing blob ID from local storage to that of server (jsonblob API). Currently the ID is set to be stored in local storage, and although this works fine for storing data locally, I cannot remove the blobID from jsonblob API. I can only remove it from local storage, as that’s where the ID is set to be stored in. I’m quite newish to online blobs and android dev in general, so would greatly appreciate any guidance or help. I have done a lot of prior research but still didn’t get it work as it should.

(2) Second question is how I go about creating 2 extra fields in the data (ie) reminder object, which should be (i) ‘created date’ and (ii) ‘created time’. These 2 fields should only show on the jsonblob API and not on the mobile app, so they need to be hidden fields.

These are my questions. I have spent a huge amount of time trying to research them and I’m now pushing the deadline for this project, and have others also to work on. So I really would appreciate any help. Thanks