Html2canvas could not capture scrolled content in ionic

I have table in my app which contains scrollable data both horizontally as well as vertically, wanted to capture complete div of table using html2canvas. But html2Canvas captures the only data which is available on screen, instead of capturing hidden also.

Anybody experience the same issue? May I know how to fix this issue?

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I am having the same issue. I too am using Html2canvas, and the image output is storing the correct size, but the image outside the screen is just black. anyone with a step in the right direction? is there a way to render ALL of the ion-content? any way to force render all of the html?


You have to change width and height in html2canvas.js file for html2canvas function, you need to set them according to options.width and options.height.

Iā€™m having the same issue. Can you give me some detail how did you solve the problem please.
