How to use ion-slides as normal app page?

I use ionic 2 framework to build my app. But when I use the code below, the slider only show at the first time when I open the app like an introduction slides. I want the slider to be the first page of my app consistently, like a normal page of my app, not an introduction. Does anyone now how to do it?

<ion-slides pager [options]="{pager:true}" >

<ion-slide id="slide1"> 
      <button ion-button large (click)="openPage(pages.menus.items[3])" class="slide_button">
    <ion-icon name="arrow-forward"></ion-icon>

    <ion-slide id="slide2">
    <button ion-button large (click)="openPage(pages.menus.items[7])" class="slide_button">
    <ion-icon name="arrow-forward"></ion-icon>