How to use ion-loading events “ionLoadingWillPresent”?

I want to know how to use Events “ionLoadingWillPresent” in Ionic V4 of ion-loading.

I know the IonLoading is a Interface, here’s source code:

interface IonLoading extends JSXBase.HTMLAttributes<HTMLIonLoadingElement> {
   'onIonLoadingWillPresent'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

But, there’s no element for IonLoading from ‘@ionic/angular’, neither for the HTML tag.

Such events like:

ionLoadingDidDismiss , ionLoadingDidPresent , ionLoadingWillDismiss , ionLoadingWillPresent .

On page: ion-loading Api

How to use? Any examples? I want to learn. Thanks a lot.

PS: Here’s stackoverflow