How to show the status bar when reopening an app running in the background?

Hi everyone ! :slightly_smiling_face:

I have got a little issue here… I don’t know how to show the status bar when reopening my app which I left running in the background to go on another app. :confused:

To understand the problem, here is what I do on my Android phone :

  • I open the app, the status bar shows up as expected and as I ask it to appear
  • I exit the app (I don’t close it, I just exit it, the app is still running in the background)
  • I do something else on my phone (checking Whatsapp for example)
  • Then I come back to my app
  • I reopen it and fuck : the status bar is not there anymore… :confused:

Is there a way to use the function “;” when reopening a running app ?

My app is in fullscreen, and I made some changes that I would like to keep on my status bar, here are the changes that I made :

  • Status bar is hidden on startup (cause it’s quite ugly if not)
  • Status bar is black translucent (on Android)

So that’s why I have to use the function “;” when I start the app…

Thanks to the people who will try to help me.

PS: English is not my mother tongue, so if I didn’t explain something well, do not hesitate to ask me some more information.

I found a solution ! :grinning: :wink:

Instead of this :;

We shall put this :

setInterval(function() {;
}, 1000);

It will check every second if the status bar is open, so that way, we have no problem.
If you have a better solution, do not hesitate to post it dear fellas.

That’s rather a quite ugly and expensive solution. Wouldn’t it be better to just call after resuming your app? Then you would only have to listen to the onResume event.

Hey Luuk,

That’s exactly what I was looking for actually, an event listener that allows me to relaunch some function when I reopen the app. :sweat_smile:

How should I do on Ionic 2, is there a specific way to write it ?

I tried like this, it seems to be working :

document.addEventListener("pause", function() {
    // do something
  }, true);

  document.addEventListener("resume", function() {
    // do something
  }, true);

Is this how we should do ? I am a newbie on Ionic and Angular.

That’s the classic way. It’s cleaner and better if you use the Platform.resume function, which is described in the documentation over here:

Try to prevent oldschool functions in any case, use fat arrow syntax instead: () => { } etc. Else you will eventually run into some scoping issues.

Ok thanks mate. :slight_smile:

Here is my code :

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Platform } from 'ionic-angular';
import { StatusBar } from '@ionic-native/status-bar';
import { SplashScreen } from '@ionic-native/splash-screen';

import { HomePage } from '../pages/home/home';

    templateUrl: 'app.html'
export class MyApp {
    rootPage:any = HomePage;

    constructor(platform: Platform, statusBar: StatusBar, splashScreen: SplashScreen) {
        platform.ready().then(() => {
            // Splash Screen
            // Status Bar
                if ('android')) {
                } else if ('ios')) {
                setTimeout(function(){; }, 1000);
        platform.pause.subscribe(() => {
            // Do something
        platform.resume.subscribe(() => {
            // Status Bar
            setTimeout(function(){; }, 1000);

It’s seems to be working… If you see any mistakes, do not hesitate to tell me. I am not quite sure about the position of everything, this way of working makes me confuse sometimes.

Means, don’t use function() but fat arrows. Which you didn’t but that’s up to you off course.


setTimeout( () => {
 // do stuff in here

even better, don’t use settimeout unless you absolutely need to. Doesn’t it work when you’re calling directly without wrapping it in a timeout?

I made the changes :

constructor(platform: Platform, statusBar: StatusBar, splashScreen: SplashScreen) {
        platform.ready().then(() => {
            // Splash Screen
            // Status Bar
                if ('android')) {
                } else if ('ios')) {
                setTimeout(() => {; }, 1000);
        platform.pause.subscribe(() => {
            // Do something
        platform.resume.subscribe(() => {
            // Status Bar
                setTimeout(() =>{; }, 1000);

I am using the setTimeout cause I added those line in the config.xml file :

<preference name="FadeSplashScreen" value="true" />
<preference name="FadeSplashScreenDuration" value="850" />

And it makes the page jump a little when the status bar tries to show up too quickly. I said “tries” cause at the end, it doesn’t even show up, it makes only the page jump. This is the only solution that I found.