How to show tabs on all pages in my code it only working on selected pages which i add in tabs.ts

I have found temparary solution, dont know its right or wrong but its working

in app.module.ts add links with segment

 IonicModule.forRoot(ConferenceApp, {mode: 'md',tabsHideOnSubPages: 'false'}, {
      links: [
        { component: TabsPage, name: 'TabsPage', segment: 'tabs' },
        { component: DashboardPage, name: 'DashboardPage', segment: 'home' },
{ component: ServiceSearchPage, name: 'ServiceSearchPage', segment: 'serviceSearch/:session'},

in app.template.html (In side menu) put direct link of view

 <a href="#/tabs/home/home" class="btn btn-primary" menuClose >Dashbord</a>
 <a href="#/tabs/serviceSearch/bus" class="btn btn-primary" menuClose >Bus</a>
 <a href="#/tabs/serviceSearch/car" class="btn btn-primary" menuClose >Car</a>

you can implement above url in array by adding in app.componant.ts

menuLinks: any =[
        { component: DashboardPage, name: 'Home', uri: 'home/home' },
          { component: ServiceSearchPage, name: 'Bus', uri: 'home/serviceSearch/bus'},
          { component: ServiceSearchPage, name: 'Car', uri: 'home/serviceSearch/car'},

      <div *ngFor="let p of menuLinks; let i=index" >

 <a href="#/tabs/{{p.uri}}" class="btn btn-primary" menuClose >{{}}</a> 

though one issue there ,its for cache issue & its for all regardless you use this or not.
just have look at it & let me know if anyone have any fix to that.